Now it’s our turn! As partners of the CircleVET project, we have prepared the second transnational meeting so that all partners can meet and continue developing practices that train educators in Circular Economy in Vocational Educational Training. We have received our colleagues at the Madrid International Lab offices, in Calle Bailén, in their magnificent building.
During our workshop, from Finland and Germany, we have been presented with interesting practices of teaching circular economy for young people. There are many case studies and learning by doing, where students are involved in projects with companies to think and seek circular solutions for businesses that are still linear.
We have had the opportunity to take our guests to visit two high impact initiatives in Madrid: the Media-Lab Prado and the Mares Madrid project. The Medialab Prado is the citizen laboratory for the production of open cultural projects. An open space promoted by the Madrid city council. MARES is an innovative pilot project for urban transformation through social and solidarity economy initiatives, the creation of local and quality employment and the promotion of another city model. Our attendees have commented on how well supported the social economy is in Madrid.
As a result of the two days of work, we have generated an evaluation matrix of the practices for them to be compared under the same criteria. In this way, we are gradually generating a compilation of practices that serve to raise awareness of the importance of the circular economy.