CONCORDnet, European Confederation of Development NGOs Collaborative Network
November 2012 – Ongoing
Advance towards a vision of a member-led organization, based on fluid and interactive communication and open participation.
Creation of a social Intranet/Extranet strategy and technology, with constant open participation and interaction dynamics. It means: design and implementation of an online platform, with support of participative methodologies, created to facilitate the coordination of activities and foster collaboration between CONCORD members.
CONCORD is the European confederation of Relief and Development NGOs. Its members include 28 national NGO associations, 18 international networks and 2 associate members that represent over 1,800 NGOs, supported by millions of citizens across Europe.
An online platform, with support of participative methodologies, created to support the coordination of activities and foster collaboration between CONCORD members.
- Powerful yet simple to manage online space.
- Hundreds of self-managed internal pages and participatory spaces.
- More than a dozen Working Groups with autonomy of their virtual space definition and administration.
- Active use of CONCORDnet for as participation platform for strategic decision processes (General Assembly, Multi-annual Strategy, and other key initiatives)
- Direct reach to over 2.000 users between Members and Members of Members