European Microfinance Network 11th and 12th Annual Conference

Dublin, April – June 2015:
Lisbon, April – June 2014:


Conduct a participative event around 9 workshop topics, where each workshop is led by three experts, a moderator and a facilitator.


Co-creation of the methodological design of the event with EMN Secretariat and microfinance experts, facilitation of 9 workshops with participative methodologies, and live graphic recording activities.


About European Microfinance Network

The EMN works in the promotion of microfinance in the European Union, assisting the fight against social and financial exclusion. It works through its 79 members in lobbying activities and raising awareness towards a sound microfinance market and an appropriate regulatory framework.


  • High levels of engagement within workshops and between them
  • Graphic harvesting of workshop results and plenaries
  • Positive satisfaction levels over 91% (among 181 respondants of the 240 assistants)