Innovations are dynamic processes which focus on the creation and implementation of new or improved paradigms, products, services, processes and people.
At the General Assembly of EU-Cord – a network of European Christian Relief and Development NGOs made up of 22 member organisations and over 1,000 implementing partners worldwide – we focused on the topic innovation.
Somos Más was invited as an expert to speak about how creativity makes innovation thrive. Our colleague from Brussels, Christin, showed how in Somos Más we co-create, embrace diversity and we openly experiment without fear of chaos (following the chaordic stepping stones path).

If we are open to new, creative ways of working, innovation can happen.
After this presentation, Christin joined a panel discussion with three other Experts from Medair, Light for the World and ICCO to answer the questions of the audience.

To create a space for collaborative and meaningful dialogues, we facilitated a World Café afterwards.
In three rounds, the participants had to think about creativity in their own organisation, in their network and how to create a space where innovation can happen. The outcome was amazing and very encouraging.
“The part about innovation, was the best during our GA” (Ruth Faber)
We really enjoyed being part of the organization of this event. It was a great chance to experiment participatory dynamics in a diverse and challenging context.
Starting #worldcafe for meaningful and creative conversations. #innovation #ONG #NGO
— Somos Más (@somosmas) 10 de mayo de 2016
— Somos Más (@somosmas) 10 de mayo de 2016