All photos: ® Maartje Strijbis
E-Motive is one of the project we have been deeply involved throughout 2015 and in the first months of 2016.
E-Motive’s philosophy is based on the idea that by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and innovative social solutions between people and organizations of different cultural contexts, major global problems can be jointly addressed and solved.

By the end of January, E-Motive organized the conference “The other perspective”, in this context we were asked, as supporter of E-Motive, to talk about the future of E-Motive.
We prepared a presentation divided into 3 section, each section ended with a question to the audience.
About E-Motive
Think about your own learnings. Where, when, how did you learn by- -yourself in an fruitful way? What was for you a key element?
Answers from the participants:
- being comforted: when somebody tell you that you can do it
- my experience and expertises (being prepared)
- love: “I was very motivated” to learn something new
- passion: When I moved to Amsterdam I wanted to be part of anti-racism movement
- an interest can also be a strong driver
Where are we heading?
How can we link diverse solutions into a collective movement for change?
Answers and feedbacks from the participants:
- Emotive Going Global can be an interesting database for people who are working on social issues. if you search on google for a solution, you won’t find the good one.
- Timing and community are important variables: it’s important to find out how we build solutions connected to different places and different timings.
- Since learning is coming from relationships: it’s important to know how an internet platform can foster relationships
Our dream for the future
What do you think are the potential opportunities to contribute to this network, platform, consortium, partners?
Answers and feedbacks from the participants:
- How can we contribute to E_Motive Going Global with our network?
- Who’s going to be able to join the platform?
- Criteria to join:
- B2B model and not B2C
- Only people with big organization or big communities behind.
- Analyze the topic.
- Analyze the needs.
- Looking for the best of the best solutions
- E-Motive Going Global seems to have a big ambition and running a big risk: do you have some good cases that prove that you’re the connective platform?
- What makes E-Motive really specific is that it is more than a network of projects: it is a global movement
- Could be government joining the consortium
- Yes, you always need to provide a government partner – I think, in terms of agenda – there is always a right moment to work for a specific issue. Being able to follow this issue, you can sell the platform.