by rochele | Sep 21, 2020 | Projects |
It was the final meeting of the CircleVET project, an ambitious adventure to offer an educational framework to train Circular Economy in the Vocational Education Training level. Finalizing our work, we had a fertile debate on what is next, what would be our policy...
by rochele | Sep 10, 2020 | Projects |
Nara SK hosted the third and last CircleVET Online Lab. We had the pleasure of learning about their plans of expanding circularity approach all over the country and somehow influencing the world. On the first days, we heard from Ivana Škriniarová, from Nara SK, how...
by rochele | Jul 8, 2020 | Projects |
Our 2nd lab had a relevant topic for today’s world: Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry. Hosted by our partners from ITMBO, Chamber of Textile Manufacturers of İzmir, with the collaboration of Circular Berlin and Arianna Nicoletti from Future Fashion Forward, we...
by rochele | Jun 22, 2020 | Projects |
Our second online lab was a reaffirmation that we can keep on training circular economy practices even during hard times, using the right digital tools. Once again, we had seven days of sessions training, using Jitsi, Miro, Zoom, GDrive… So many tools are...
by rochele | May 6, 2020 | Projects |
After planning our trips to meet again, sadly, we had to cancel our flights’ reservations and hotels bookings because of the situation of #COVID19. Nevertheless, we were able to gather together online and start a series of successful virtual meetings. At this time we...